Explore our diverse array of comprehensive courses here.


$ 15 – 4 Contact Hours

The Impact of Advances in Obesity Science on Nursing Care

Obesity is linked to morbidity and mortality in several disease processes. Obesity has long been incorrectly viewed as an outcome of modifiable lifestyle choices, but recent advances in obesity science require a paradigm shift in how patients with obesity are viewed and most effectively managed. Nurses are well-positioned to bridge the gap between clinical practice and the expanding body of evidence to improve patient outcomes through understanding and implementing new best practices.

$ 7 – 1 Contact Hour

Complimentary Alternative Medicine (Dietary Supplements)

In the United States, over half (57.6%) of the adult population use dietary supplements as complementary or alternative medicine. Natural herbs, vitamins, minerals, and probiotics are frequently used to prevent or manage ill health. Some indications show a positive effect and outcome using them; however, since they are not regulated by the FDA, concern is prevalent regarding safety and efficacy. A good knowledge of dietary supplements prepares the nurse to address their patient’s concerns and provide education. This course aims to address the different cultures around dietary supplements, the most frequently used dietary supplements, possible health benefits, known adverse effects and toxicity, possible drug interactions, and other risk factors. Learn more.

$ 7 – 1 Contact Hour

Developing Effective Patient Education

Patient educational materials help to improve the knowledge and understanding of their health condition and treatment plan. Having appropriate educational materials promotes self-care and preventative measures by giving them the knowledge they need to care for themselves. If patients have access to adequate education and are actively engaged in their care, they are less likely to require hospitalizations or emergency care. Key aspects of this presentation include the principles of effective patient educational material design, steps to design, and complications that may occur. Overall, having properly designed patient educational materials can promote better health outcomes. Learn more.

$ 7 – 1 Contact Hour

Recognizing Implicit Bias and Its Effects on Nursing Care

Implicit bias can lead to adverse outcomes, including inadequate assessments, erroneous diagnosis and treatment decisions, decreased involvement in the patient’s care, and inappropriate follow-up. Implicit bias contributes to healthcare disparities. This course aims to provide the learner with an improved understanding of implicit bias and how these unconscious biases develop to help them recognize their own bias as well as organizational bias, which can affect the quality of care provided. Learn more.

$ 7 – 1 Contact Hour

Resilience in Nursing

The nursing profession is full of occupational stressors that can impact a nurse’s quality of life, and the literature cites high levels of burnout in nurses. Some stressors can be ameliorated by nurses learning healthy coping strategies. However, one cannot truly address resilience in the nursing workforce through the actions of individual nurses alone. There are widespread systemic issues in the healthcare system that make individual resilience very challenging. In this article, aspects of resilience, moral injury, and burnout will be examined, and strategies to improve resilience at the individual, organizational, and systems levels will be discussed. Learn more

$ 14 – 3 Contact Hours

Substance Use Disorders and Implications for Nursing

Substance use disorder (SUD) is a complex condition characterized by a cluster of cognitive, behavioral, and physiological symptoms indicating an uncontrolled use of a substance despite harmful consequences. Though significant impairments in daily functioning set in, people with SUD typically present with an intense focus on these substances. The diagnosis of SUDs can be applied to alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, hallucinogens, inhalants, opioids, sedatives, and stimulant use. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, millions of Americans ages 12 and up suffer from SUD. For nurses, the rate of SUDs closely mirrors that of the general population. Prescription medications, including opioids, are more frequently misused by nurses compared to the general population. Learn more.

$ 15 – 4 Contact Hours

Neurocognitive Disorders: A Review

Neurocognitive disorders, previously known as dementia, are a group of conditions characterized by significant cognitive decline that interferes with daily functioning. This course provides a comprehensive overview of mild and major neurocognitive disorders, including their definitions, diagnostic criteria, etiology, clinical presentation, and management strategies. It explores the impact of these disorders on individuals, families, and society with an emphasis on the role nurses can play in early detection, accurate diagnosis, and appropriate interventions.

$ 14 – 2 Contact Hours

HIV Primary Care: A Review

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) has been afflicting patients of all ages throughout the world and is an important public health issue. Transmission of the virus continues in primary care, even with prevention and treatment alternatives. The rate of new infections has come down significantly in the US over the last several years from 47 thousand to 30 thousand due to the federal government’s back program support of the patient’s care continuum. Once tested, diagnosed, and attains suppression to undetectable levels, the steps a patient takes are imperative to successful outcomes. Healthcare professionals in primary care have played a significant role in providing updated treatment while promoting positive outcomes for the chronic management of HIV-infected patients.

$ 15 – 4 Contact Hours

Nursing Care for Patients Who Have Experienced Trauma

Psychological trauma refers to the emotional, cognitive, and physiological distress experienced by an individual following an overwhelming or life-threatening event. It involves the disruption of one’s sense of safety, security, and well-being, leaving lasting psychological scars. Traumatic experiences can have profound effects on an individual’s mental health, leading to a range of symptoms. Experiencing trauma has become incredibly common. The nursing care provided to patients with trauma plays a critical role in ensuring positive patient outcomes. This article aims to explore the multifaceted aspects of nursing care for patients with trauma, including assessment, intervention, and ongoing support. By adopting a comprehensive approach that integrates physical, psychological, and emotional aspects of care, nurses can effectively address the complex needs of trauma patients and facilitate their journey toward recovery.

$ 18 – 5 Contact Hours

Domestic Violence, a Significant Public Health Problem

An estimated 10 million adults experience domestic violence annually in the United States. At least one in seven children have experienced child abuse or neglect in the past year in the U.S.Domestic violence is found in every community and affects all people regardless of their age, gender, gender identity, race, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status. Its impact on victims and society in general is enormous. This program differentiates among the various types of domestic violence, how to recognize it, how to report it, and how to intervene when domestic violence is suspected.

$ 20 – 6 Contact Hours

Chronic Pain: Assessment and Management

During 2021, an estimated 20.9% of U.S. adults (51.6 million persons) experienced chronic pain, and 6.9% (17.1 million people) experienced high-impact chronic pain. Chronic pain is a serious public health problem, and a debilitating condition that affects the lives of millions of adults in the U.S. Compounding the problem are the disparities in the treatment of chronic pain and access to affordable and appropriate pain management care (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 2023). This education program addresses the pathophysiology of pain, ethical implications, types of conditions related to chronic pain, and therapeutic options for pain management.

$ 7 – 1 Contact Hour

Preventative Care: Annual COVID and Flu Updates

Prevention is imperative to positive health outcomes regarding exposure to COVID-19 and the Influenza viruses. In this educational module, an expert will discuss the most current information on the COVID-19 and Influenza vaccines, including clinical updates, vaccine recommendations, infection control practices, and best practice preventative measures. Part of the Office of Disease Prevention Healthy People 2030 goals is to prevent or reduce the severity of these infectious diseases by promoting vaccination (U.S.D.H.H.S., 2023). As clinicians, we can promote a solid recommendation to keep current with vaccinations and provide education regarding these vaccines to patients to facilitate informed decisions regarding their health.