Continuing Education for Nurses

Fast License renewal courses all in one place. Our courses are structured to address knowledge and practice gaps for improved nursing care delivery.
Home Page Search Form

Follow these very simple steps to complete your continuing education requirements and renew your license.

Step 01

Review the

Take your time to thoroughly examine and
understand the course material at your own

Step 02

Submit a Course

Share your valuable feedback by completing
the course evaluation.

Step 03

Print Your

Easily print your certificate to showcase your
accomplishment and fulfill certification


Platinum Learning

Are you searching for a reliable provider of continuing professional development? Look no further! We’re dedicated to being your trusted source for continuing professional development that aligns with your career goals and professional aspirations. We provide continuing education for healthcare professionals, including registered nurses, licensed vocational nurses, licensed psychiatric technicians, and advanced practice registered nurses.

This allows healthcare professionals to advance their careers, stay informed about the advancements of clinical practice, and gain more knowledge and skills in delivering patient care and better health outcomes.

Our Available Programs

Explore our continuing education programs for professional development and career advancement. [ View More Services ]

Continuing Education for

Advanced Practice
Registered Nurses

Elevate your expertise with specialized continuing education designed for APRNs.

Continuing Education for

Licensed Vocational Nurses

Fulfill and enhance your skills with our dedicated programs for LVNs.

Continuing Education for

Licensed Psychiatric Technicians

Access continuing education curated for LPTs to expand your knowledge in psychiatric care.

Continuing Education for

Registered Nurses

Stay at the forefront of healthcare with our continuing education for RNs.

Our Mission Statement

Our mission is to empower healthcare professionals through accessible, innovative, and personalized continuing education services. We are committed to advancing their healthcare career and achieving their fullest potential to deliver better patient outcomes in the industry.
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